Perché è importante monitorare le pressioni di picco e di plateau nella ventilazione meccanica?


Christopher D Jackson, MD Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine-Memphis; Staff Physician, Christ Community Health Services; Staff Physician, Baptist Memorial Hospital
Christopher D Jackson, MD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American College of Physicians, Memphis Medical Society, National Medical Association, Southern Medical Association
Disclosure: Niente da rivelare.


Muthiah P Muthiah, MD, FCCP, D-ABSM Professore Associato di Medicina, Divisione di Medicina Polmonare e Critica e Medicina del Sonno, Vice Presidente per la Medicina Interna (VA Affari Accademici), University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine; Direttore del Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU), Memphis Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Muthiah P Muthiah, MD, FCCP, D-ABSM è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American Academy of Sleep Medicine, American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society, Society of Critical Care Medicine
Disclosure: Niente da rivelare.

Specialty Editor Board

Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy; Editor-in-Chief, Medscape Drug Reference
Disclosure: Salario ricevuto da Medscape per l’impiego. per: Medscape.


Zab Mosenifar, MD, FACP, FCCP Geri and Richard Brawerman Chair in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Professor and Executive Vice Chairman, Department of Medicine, Medical Director, Women’s Guild Lung Institute, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, University of California, Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine
Zab Mosenifar, MD, FACP, FCCP è membro delle seguenti società di medicina: American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Physicians, American Federation for Medical Research, American Thoracic Society
Disclosure: Niente da rivelare.

Collaboratori aggiuntivi

Ryland P Byrd, Jr, MD Professore di Medicina, Divisione di Malattie Polmonari e Medicina Critica, James H Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University
Ryland P Byrd, Jr, MD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society
Disclosure: Nulla da rivelare.

Thomas M Roy, MD Chief, Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine, Quillen Mountain Home Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine, Fellowship Program Director, James H Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University
Thomas M Roy, MD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Physicians, American Medical Association, American Thoracic Society, Southern Medical Association, Wilderness Medical Society
Disclosure: Niente da rivelare.


xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comGregg T Anders, DO Direttore Medico, Great Plains Regional Medical Command, Brooke Army Medical Center; Clinical Associate Professor, Dipartimento di Medicina Interna, Divisione di Malattie Polmonari, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comOleh Wasyl Hnatiuk, MD Program Director, National Capital Consortium, Pulmonary and Critical Care, Walter Reed Army Medical Center; Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comOleh Wasyl Hnatiuk, MD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Physicians, e American Thoracic Society xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comSemaan Georges Kosseifi, MD Fellow in Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine, East Tennessee State University xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare.

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